APRICOT Picture APRICOT'99 Birds of A Feather (BoF informal meetings)
. BoF Birds of a Feather Informal Meetings

APRICOT'99 Birds of A Feathers or BoF sessions are short informal meetings called by anyone who has a burning topic to discuss with others.

All BoFs from 1800-1930h unless otherwise stated on the sign-up sheet.

Date    	Venue/Room      Topic				Convenors / Contact Persons
Wed 3 Mar99     MR-202      Peering/Exchange 			Bill Manning bmanning@karoshi.com

         	MR-203      Y2K issues                 		Izumi Aizu izumi@anr.org
								William Church iwar@iwar.org

Thu 4 Mar99     MR-202      iDNS multilingual domain names	Tan Tin Wee tinwee@pobox.org.sg
         	MR-203      PGP key signing  			Mathias Koerber mathias@singnet.com.sg
Thu 4 Mar99     MR-209      Women in IT BoF 
                            [Schedule|Announcement|Press Release] 	Laina R Greene or Vivien Chiam vchiam@idrc.org.sg 

To sign up, please notify the convenors.
Alternatively, a sign-up sheet will be set up at the
at the conference notice board. Please look out for it.

APRICOT'99 acknowledges the generous sponsorship of all but one of the rooms by an anonymous person in order to make the BoFs happen. We are most grateful to him for his generous sponsorship. The Women in IT BOF is kindly sponsored by Ascend Communications

Please contact info@apricot.net if you wish to run a BoF.